Saw this yesterday…

by Diane

…and smiled (a little ruefully). I’ve had a few of these in my time…

Meanwhile…we go away tomorrow, and once again I marvel (helplessly) at how, no matter how hard I try to get Pre-Travel Stuff done four or five days before the trip, I still wind up doing so much of it the day before. Is all the current business e-mail migrated to the laptops, have we packed all the necessary cables and chargers, blah, blah, blah…

The trouble is, Life (meaning the normal progress of it, which at the moment largely seems to involve cats, laundry and firewood) keeps interfering with my trip-management plans. (mutter) Well, never mind. At least at the moment we have the minor pleasure of a small but strictly scenic snowfall — it’s just barely sticking: “wintry showers”, as the local weatherfolk call it, and nothing more. (I hope I haven’t now spoken too soon: last time it snowed here just before Fasnacht, we had a blizzard, the first genuine one I’d seen here in fifteen years — one which almost saddled us with the massive irony of not being able to go to Switzerland because of snow in Ireland: several feet of it, so that the taxi almost couldn’t make it up our road two days after the major fall…)

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